8AM INQUISITIONS LLC dba 8AM INQUISITIONS, 8AM INSPECTIONS and iminimizerisk.com is a privately held company whose investors are involved in daily business operations.
8AM INQUISITIONS provides a vast array of field services such as premium auditing and property inspections. We can provide workers compensation, general liability and fleet audits along with a tremendous number of personal lines and commercial lines loss control inspections.
8AM INQUISITIONS can collect data from field surveys and provide that data by itself, or along with specialized management reports. This assures that you are looking at an accurate picture of the types of risks that your company insures.
8AM INQUISITIONS can work with you and your underwriting team to design specialized forms to match the needs of your companies specialized product offerings.
8AM INQUISITIONS can even assist your other field inspection vendors by providing just the data collection services while they continue specializing in field services.

We handle each report on a case-by-case basis, ensuring the most accurate quality and professionalism while maintaining industry standard time service and reasonable pricing.

WE HELP YOU MINIMIZE RISK by going out into the field to provide documentation of COPE information for your insurable properties. COPE stands for Construction, Occupancy, Protection and Exposure. We address all aspects of COPE when dealing with your clients and/ or potential clients. We make sure nothing gets missed and everything falls in a logical order for the agent or underwriter to perform their jobs.

Our inspectors are independent contractors. They are knowledgeable individuals who are sent out to do a professional and thorough job. Some work for other companies similar to ours, some are real estate agents, some are retired insurance professionals, many have very important jobs and are working part time. All are 100% qualified to do their job accurately.

We know communication is key. Our inspectors are great communicators, forward thinking, and very perceptive.
All must adhere to our policies and procedures, and information gathered has to pass through an authentication process that assures consistency and accuracy.

If you feel that 8AM INQUISITIONS could provide a service for your company that is not listed in any of these pages, please feel free to contact us at info@8AMinquisitions.com.

Inspection Company Providing Field Services
for Various Industries

8am Inquisitions LLC specializes in commercial lines inspections, personal lines dwelling inspections, and loss control underwriting surveys & inspections. We also perform occupancy checks and property condition inspections.